Who We Are

First and foremost, we are Americans who strongly believe in the idealistic principles that led to the establishment of our nation under a Constitution and a Bill of Rights that guarantee us the right to live free from injustice, oppression, and tyranny.  Like our nation’s founders, we hold LIFE, TRUTH, JUSTICE, and DEMOCRACY in the highest regard.  And we despise the endless KILLING, LIES, INJUSTICE and TYRANNY that, through the influence of selfish and evil people, usurps our Constitutional rights and misuses our tax dollars to reward the Military, Oil, and Financial Industrial Complexes with endless wars for profit.

911TruthAndJustice.org was born in response to the emotional trauma we experienced after being exposed to much of the same evidence presented here.  For many of us, that led first to denial, then to shock, and finally to some very dark places filled with rage, grief, and even despair.  It is now through our efforts to educate the public and demand justice that we found each other, and the cause that has become our greatest source of healing.  We are an organization of volunteers whose sole mission is to expose the scientifically provable truths (and lies) of 9/11, and to pursue justice for all victims who perished that day, and for their loved ones who still suffer, and for everyone else who was injured or traumatized by the most heinous crime and murderous treason ever committed against our nation.

We do not claim to know all the facts surrounding the events of 9/11, and we acknowledge that we have neither the firsthand knowledge nor the expertise in any related disciplines to afford us a greater understanding of those events than the average person.  As a result, we recognize the need to rely on verifiable scientific evidence and the analyses of subject matter experts.  Based on what we have learned through exhaustive research of such sources, we can only conclude that 9/11 was a “false flag” operation orchestrated and carried out by members of the Bush / Cheney administration (especially including its Neoconservative Zionist cohorts), with substantial support provided by high ranking members of the Israeli and Saudi Arabian governments.  Overwhelming evidence reveals the motive for 9/11 was the justification of an otherwise unjustifiable foreign policy agenda intended to compel the United States to wage war on behalf of Israel, and the self-enrichment of those who were directly involved.  As a result, we are demanding a new, exhaustive, and verifiably independent re-investigation of the events of 9/11 so the real truth may finally be known, and the justice that is so long overdue to the victims and their families may finally be served.

We are well aware that such claims will cause many to dismiss us as “conspiracy theorists” and “nuts”.  Quite to the contrary, we are not Holocaust or moon landing deniers, and we don’t spend our time theorizing about a second shooter on the grassy knoll or alien abductions.  We couldn’t care less about theories.  We are only interested in learning and publicizing the scientifically provable facts about 9/11 that completely contradict the government’s official account and instead reveal a very different and very disturbing truth.

We realize too that some will attempt to undermine our credibility and shame us with the label “anti-semitic” for presenting evidence that implicates many Neoconservative Zionists and the Israeli government for their role in 9/11.  Again, quite to the contrary, we have no prejudices against any religion, race, or ethnicity, and absolutely no tolerance for those who do.  Our only prejudice is reserved for those whose selfishness and greed continues to perpetuate the grave injustice of endless wars for profit.

We applaud everyone in the 9/11 Truth Movement who has worked tirelessly to awaken the sleeping masses to the true evil of 9/11, one that continues to tear away at the foundation of our nation’s democracy through an ever increasing erosion of our civil liberties.  And we give our heartfelt thanks to the 9/11 subject matter experts for having the integrity and courage to publicly expose this truth, in spite of great professional and personal costs, including being publicly ridiculed and condemned as a result of the cowardice, ignorance, and indifference of their peers, government leaders, mainstream news organizations, and even friends and family.  Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude for their sacrifices; we are forever in their debt.